Definition of Architecture

Definition of Architecture:

I can’t believe I’ve written this blog for over a year and never bothered to define Architecture. A glaring ommission to be sure. Perhaps I could get some help on this one? What’s a good definition of “Architecture” ?


Architecture (noun): the act of artfully placing complex forms in remote locations to be photographed for magazine covers.

Architecture (noun): the memory of that which could have been, that is invoked by the residual form remaining after extensive value engineering.

Architecture (noun): Public disinterest derived from a combination of self importance and greed.

Architecture (noun): The compromise arrived at by the client and the designers after the president of the firm and the client played golf yesterday.

Architecture (noun): The hard metallic outer shell surrounding confused school children pointing at the large early period Calder mobile hanging from the ceiling.

Architecture (noun): The space between 4 or more glass walls, wherein wealthy people shower.

Architecture (noun): Profession wherein ones salary is amusing to the majority of other professionals.

Architecture (noun): The homes that hipsters admire.

Architecture (noun): Structure approved by banks.

Architecture (noun): The touch, the feel of titanium. The fabric of our lives.

Architecture (noun): creativity plus financing minus creativity


Architecture (noun): The solid form of angst

What do you think? Am I getting close? { Coffee with an Architect }


photos are from bindermichi’s photostream on Flickr (used under creative commons license)


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