solar tent

Speaking as a tent-o-phobe who is girding her loins for this summer's festivals, this camping concept from UK mobile company Orange looks just the ticket. Especially if, like me, you like your gadgets and couldn't bear being away from them for a whole weekend. Thanks to its photovoltaic fabric, the tent is solar-powered, and it also rocks a heated groundsheet, magnetic induction charging pouch and wireless hub. Great idea, because it means you can retreat to your home turf and FB your friends once you hear the dreaded words over the tannoy: "Hi. John Mayer here." Luckily for us, John Mayer ain't too popular this side of the pond.

The Orange tent also boasts something called "glo-cation technology". Nice. That means that, after one beer too many you can use the awesome powers of your cellphone to identify your tent via either an SMS or RFID technology. Activate it, and the motorcycle helmet-esque dome of the tent will glow gently, guiding you back to your sleeping bag, and not that of the Hell's Angel you inadvertently insulted when you said "Nice rug," as you passed by earlier in the day. See the tent's glow below

via: dvice


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